Hi-Res Images


Metro image 1
6.5 MB  JPG   

Bamboo Basket 1
6.4 MB  JPG   

    Pacific Rim Triangle on Bamboo Cap 1
4.0 MB  JPG   

    Bamboo Ventilated Riser Box 1
4.0 MB  JPG   

Area Crocks 1
5.6 MB  JPG   

Area Crocks 2
4.7 MB  JPG   

BRC-306 Divided Market Trays 1
7.0 MB  JPG   

    Cafe Trays 1
6.9 MB  JPG   

Large Scale 1
8.5 MB  JPG   


© 2011 Delfín Design & Manufacturing Inc.    All designs and concepts are the property of Delfin Design & Manufacturing and are protected under federal copyright laws.  Any reproduction or attempt to make use of any aspect of the designs or concepts is prohibited by law.  This includes but no limited to utilizing a manufacturer other then Delfin Design & Manufacturing to produce prototypes or finished goods based on the said concepts or designs.   Delfin Design & Manufacturing retains ownership of all artwork and samples, whether preliminary or final, in any media form including digital files, traditional drawings or renderings and prototypes.  Delfin Design & Manufacturing also retains the right to request the return of all property including but not limited to conceptual or final drawings or renderings, prototypes, digital files, and prototypes. Client is prohibited from sharing or forwarding any of the contained designs or artwork, or any prototypes or finished goods related to the said designs and artwork, to any entity outside of Clients Corporation.